As quoted from kaskus.co.id, data contained in our smart phones, can be easily stolen irresponsible when our guard. There are several ways that we secure a smart phone as follows:
1. lock the phone
2. Do not put the phone carelessly
3. Use the search application is lost or stolen mobile phone
4. Do not lend your phone to a careless person
5. Perform periodic updates
6. Arrange the location settings
7. Make checks applications
8. Do not download from any source
9. Note attachment in email
10. Mobile data encryption
1. lock the phone
2. Do not put the phone carelessly
3. Use the search application is lost or stolen mobile phone
4. Do not lend your phone to a careless person
5. Perform periodic updates
6. Arrange the location settings
7. Make checks applications
8. Do not download from any source
9. Note attachment in email
10. Mobile data encryption
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