the phone is dominated by the operating system Andoroid and iOS , thus
making other OS manufacturers are tempted to compete with the Android ad iOS.These operating systems are predicted to rival Android and iOS:
1. BlackBerry 10
The launch of the BlackBerry OS 10 very long-awaited many people, especially for BlackBerry lovers. QNX-based BlackBerry 10 has been used as the operating system of the BlackBerry PlayBook tablet.
BlackBerry 10 contains interesting features, such as BlackBerry Hub, which serves to hold all messages, notifications, and a calendar that can be accessed easily. RIM is designed BlackBerry 10 so as not to crash or hang. BlackBerry 10 will be filled with thousands of applications found on BlackBerry World.
2. Sailfish
Sailfish is an operating system made by a company called Jolla. Board
Jolla is a former Nokia employee, these people left Nokia because Nokia
has been left disappointed and prefer MeeGo OS Windows 8. Sailfish is a modification of the MeeGo OS, MeeGo operation is similar to that with a swipe or slide system. Sailfish Jolla stated that the device will be compatible with Android.
3. Tizen
3. Tizen
Tizen is an OS made by Samsung and Intel. Intel decided to develop Tizen, as MeeGo OS created by Nokia failed. Tizen
as Android is based on open source, as well as smartphones, Tizen is
also rumored to be operating in tablets, smart TVs and even an
entertainment system in the car. Samsung will launch Tizen in 2013 now.

4. Ubuntu
In 2013, the company Canonical is headquartered in the UK, will launch Ubuntu OS for smartphones. Mark Shuttlewort (founder of Canonical) claimed the Ubuntu interface is more friendly than existing smartphone OS now, users simply operate a wide range of applications, navigate, search for files, until the notification system is simple yet informative.
5. Firefox OS
Firefox is a manufacturer, it is developing an operating system for
smarphone, which is predicted to rival Android and iOS. Since Firefox already dominate the internet world. Firefox OS is provided free of charge, based on open web standards and applications developed with HTML5 technology.First Firefox Mobile OS will be launched early in 2013 in Brazil, through the operator Telefonica.

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