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Friday, November 29, 2013

Car Mode, Powerful Application to Avoid Car Accidents

Many drivers in the U.S. who play around with smart phones, unrequited SMS and instant messaging, and so on. Not in a few of them died due to busy with the phone.
It invites concerns a designer from New York, USA, Joey Cafone. Reported by Mashable, 9 November 2013, the designer then develops Car Mode application, to inhibit the driver using the iPhone while driving. It is still a concept application.
How does it work?
Concept Car This mode is similar to the concept of Airplane Mode on smart phones in general. But, Car Mode will notify the user that the concerned friend was driving.
Car Mode is designed integrated in the iOS operating system 7. To activate this mode, simply connect their phone to the car Bluetooth system.
When the user activates this mode, the phone screen will blur, all notification messages or status will not be displayed. It will help the driver concentrate until they arrive at their destination, without looking around the phone screen.
If there is a user's friends are sending instant messages or SMS, they will automatically get a notification that the user was driving. Thus, the user's friends are expected not feel ignored and understand the condition of the driver. For navigation and handsfree phone call remains active in the Car Mode.
Why the iPhone? Cofone decides that the applications running on the operating system iOS7 the reason many iPhone users are reckless driving even in dangerous situations.
"It departs from the errors found in everyday life, and I designed the solution. Realization that send messages while driving is dangerous to be built," he explained.
Apple has not Call
Cofone presented the idea in a contest Command X design conference held at the American Institute of Graphic Arts last month.
Currently, the application besutannya still in the development stage and has not contacted Apple to embed the solution into the iOS operating system.
But, if Apple is willing, Cofone hope Steve Jobs's company to partner with auto insurance companies. The goal is to help insurance providers appreciate a good driver.
"People who have died as a result of texting while driving more than drunk drivers. This should be handled Apple," he said.


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