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Friday, November 29, 2013

Is this the Tapping Technique Australia against Indonesia ?

Indonesian news shocked Australian intelligence intercepts made ​​to a cell phone line belonging to a number of Indonesian officials . The news come after the international media containing confidential Guardian revealed Edward Snowden.
Until now , how to conduct wiretaps Australia was examined . Ranging from using technology what , how, and to cooperate with any party . All still a mystery .Exploiticha launch pages , 28 November 2013 , there was a bit of an idea of ​​the possibilities of the method are carried out by the Australian panyadapan , related to the data collection efforts of telephone , e - mail connections , and other cyberspace .1 . Building a Base Transceiver Station ( BTS ) is falseDaklam this method , which will be tapped phones usually are in the process of searching for a signal state as the original signal from the provider to be bothered by the bugs . When the phone trouble finding the signal , then the tapper activate fake BTS BTS has been designed to resemble the original belongs to the provider .When the phone has been " arrested " fake BTS , so eavesdroppers can freely conduct wiretaps . But , tapping techniques through fake BTS has its limitations , since only outgoing calls can be intercepted .2 . Network spoofing ( fake BTS configuration resembling the original BTS )In addition to using false base stations , can also do tappers tapping by using network trickery . In this process , the bugs will make the IP address of the computer that is trusted to create a limited access to the network and allowing an exchange of data packets .But , on the other hand spoofing network ( network hoax ) can also be a useful tool to handle the network traffic is congested . Namely , when the traffic is congested networks and gateways can not validate each data packet . So to minimize the density of the network can use a trick .3 . Catcher Network International Mobile Subscriber Identity ( IMSI ) in mobile phonesNetwork IMSI catcher is essentially shaped a fake cell phone tower that works near the phone to be tapped . This method is usually done to someone on his cell phone eavesdropping .Tool to capture network IMSI is a Virtual Base Transceiver Station ( VBTS ) . This tool is able to intercept calls from a mobile phone near VBTS established .Tapping techniques has proven its worth over the Defcon hacker gathering an event - 18 in 2010. At that time , one of the participants practiced tapping technique on networked 2G GSM phone .Keep in mind , the 2G has a security system that is lower than the next -generation 3G . So , to minimize the tapping action using the above techniques , you should start to switch to the 3G network , 3.5G , and 4G because it has a security system that is more difficult to penetrate .

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